Legal Notice (Impressum)
Austria East-Gate Automation GmbH Sonnergasse 4/23 A - 1120 Wien Phone: +421 2 654 113 18 Fax: +421 2 642 827 10 e-mail: mobile(AT)east-gate.eu website: http://www.east-gate.eu Firmensitz: Wien Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien Firmenbuchnummer: FN 391551 k UID-Nummer: ATU67726099 Geschäftsführung: Dipl. – Ing. Ivan Gallo |
PROCE55® is based on the experience which East Gate® acquired in challenging process automation and system integration projects in large manufacturing industries
across the Western and Eastern Europe.
Using PROCE55® you can achieve quick wins and real improvement of process performance in context of complex mission-critical processes.